Friday, January 29, 2010

Want to hear something depressing?????

The burrito I ate for breakfast this morning was 475 calories! That is totally depressing OMG!!!'s really NOT that hard to lose weight. You have to burn more calories then you take in throughout the day. That doesn't sound too bad right?? Think again girly! When was the last time you counted how many calories you had eaten that day? Well...I think I eat pretty well...considering:-) I have been working out and have lost a few pounds...but not what I would have expected to lose. I figured out how many calories I had eaten today and I about fell out of my chair! This is what I have eaten so far. It doesn't seem that it would be THAT bad right? I had that whopping 475 calorie burrito for breakfast (it was the sausage burrito from chick-fil-A...and totally wouldn't have eaten it if I had known it was that many freaking calories...geez!) a cup of coffee with milk in it, a wild green salad with chicken and vinaigrette dressing (a little), and a small cup of tomato soup from La Madeleine's. Take a WILD guess at how many calories I have consumed today?? Just a wild one....Did you guess anywhere close to 1,290 calories?? I sure as heck didn't!! depressing. I will be at the gym until tomorrow afternoon to burn off all of these calories.

Well, at least I have figured out my problem. I am still taking in WAY too many calories!!!! I need to cut back on the intake and work out MORE...MORE...MORE...and then I will start to lose the weight I want to lose.

I have started a daily log to keep up with my calories. It has really opened my eyes to some foods that you think are good for you yet they are LOADED with calories. If you want to try to track your calories I found a pretty cool website. There are TONS...but this one seems to be the one for me:-)

I am going to get this health thing way or another:-) It takes time and LOTS of determination. I am lacking a little of both...but know I will get there.

Anyone in my boat and found a great solution that worked for them?? Please feel free to share any ideas you might have...please?

I guess I will just keep rollin' rollin' rollin' rollIN!!!

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