Sunday, December 5, 2010

Weekly Goal Results 11-29-10

1. Workout 4 times this week...Yoga, P90X or walking:-) - Almost...but not quite:-(
2. Drink LOTS of water - YES!!!
3. Get at least 8 hours of sleep EVERY night! - YES!
4. Portion control - bigger portions of HEALTHY and smaller portions of BAD - Did really well this week:-)
5. EDIT EDIT EDIT!!! - I have been an editing fool!
6. Christmas Decorations!! - Almost done!
7. NO EATING OUT!!! No's HORRIBLE for you! - NOT ONCE!!!
8. NO extra money:-) - None...we are on track this week!
9. Take vitamins DAILY!! - I forgot a few times:-(
10. Prayer Box - Haven't started on it...but hope to this week!

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