Sunday, March 21, 2010

Weekly Goals 3-22-10

Ok...Spring Break is OVER! It was a great week and I totally slacked on everything...but that's ok. That was kind of the plan:-) Joel and I have LOTS going on right now. We are in the process of buying a home which we are learning can be a little stressful. We know that it will all work out though:-)

1. NO SMOKING!!!!!! Stress isn't an excuse to smoke!

2. Exercise at LEAST 3 times this week!

3. Stick to Menu Plan...NO questions asked:-)

4. Stick to budget!

5. Keep up with spendings

6. Work on more scrap projects

7. Bed before 11pm

8. Work with T-Man and get him back on track for the last quarter of school

9. Finish at least one of the 3 books I am reading:-)

10. Keep an open mind on buying a home:-)

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