Monday, February 14, 2011

Weekly Goal Results 2-7-11

1Continue working with Thomas - Yes...being a teenager is hard....he will get through these tough times:-)
2. Yoga/Walking 3 times at least! - Oh yeah!!!
3. Walk Bella and Brice EVERYDAY morning and night! - Every day...but not every morning...and we don't have Brice anymore...
4. Get up earlier! Go to bed earlier! - Getting there!
5. Playroom (get Thomas to help) - Working on it tonight!
6. No eating out! - NONE!
7. Vacuum house - Doing it tonight:-)
8. LOTS OF WATER and vitamins - Every Day!
9. Be nice...and understanding.... - Working on it....not everybody thinks the same way I do....finally starting to relaize that...and know that it's ok:-)
10. Prayer box - No, still need to finish it.!

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