Saturday, May 30, 2009

Poker Night with friends!

Tonight was all about your "Poker Face". We held a poker game at our house tonight with some friends. I made quesadillas...Pioneer Woman's 7 layer dip and other snack goodies. It was yummy. Joel and I love having people over. We always have such a great time. Just a few years ago you could not have paid us to stay home. We always wanted to go out and party. We finally grew up. We are adults with a family. We have children to take care of. My Mom told me something a long time ago that at the time made no sense to me, now it makes perfect sense. When Joel and I make plans to "go out" we ask ourselves this. Can you take your kids with you??? If the answer is no then we just don't do it. I mean...there are some our honeymoon...DUH...and some nights that we go on a rare "date"...but for the most part...we want our kids, friends and family to be a part of everything we do. All of that means more to us now then it ever has. It's AWESOME!!! We don't let the kids play poker...because we are playing for money...but we involve them in the night with us"-) I look forward to our next "Poker Night" with friends and family. Maybe I will win next time. I wasn't the first one out....but I wasn't the last either. It's all fun though!!

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