Monday, May 4, 2009

Lazy Day

Today was a lazy day. The sun wasn't shining...hasn't been in so long I can't remember. It was also Monday. I don't like Monday's. I love my weekends and don't want them to end...but they do...and I guess life goes on:-) The wedding is on TWO WEEKS....two weeks people...that's nuts! I really hope everything goes well...and it DOESN'T rain!! PLEASE PLEASE..God...give me this one day without rain and I will never ask for anything again:-) I have to keep reminding myself...."you are the one that wanted to get married on a boat". I guess if I was that worried about it then I would be getting married inside somewhere nice and dry! I am more worried about my guests then anything else. I want them to have a great time. Being on a boat during a huge Texas Yeah...not so much! Oh well, it is what it is. What can I do? Nothing.... I am going to attempt a little more scrapbooking tonight. I am putting together a book for one of my bridal showers. It was a lot of fun and the book will hold on to great memories.

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