Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Weekly Themed Suppers

Thomas came up with a great idea! We both love ALL food and want to try new recipes. He mentioned that we should do a different themed recipe each week. I love the idea and will start this week with an Indian dish...mmmm....I LOVE Indian food:-) I will let you guys know how it turns out!

Indian - Chicken Tikki Marsala

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


It sure does go by fast! I decided to scrap tonight....finally! It's something I love to do....but don't ever make the time to do it....sounds familiar...like what I do with working out! ha! Well, tonight I did both...worked out...and managed to put a page together. It was a quick one...but I love it!

This was in 1998 at my sisters 1st wedding. Thomas was the cutest thing ever! He ran around like a wild indian the whole night! What a hoot!

Monday, March 12, 2012

P90X Day 1

Well, I did the best I could with P90X tonight. It really kicked my butt. I hope that over time I am able to do the workouts better then I can now. I was kid of disappointed in myself. It really showed me how out of shape I have become. UGH...bummer! That's ok though. This gives me the drive to keep going!!! I will get better and working out will get easier. If I keep it up it will become a lifestyle!
One day down.....89 to go!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Going to give it another try!!!

So....I have tried to lose weight and get in shape for the past few years...and have hit a dead end every time. Why? Well, it's pretty simple....I DON"T put in the work that I need to in order to get the results I want.

I have always said that I won't ever give up...and I won't. I am trying it again:-)
I am starting P90x tomorrow. This is the plan:-)
I am going to follow the P90x exercise program and still incorporate Yoga here and there for my back more then anything. I am not going to follow the P90x eating plan 100% but will make some major changes in my daily intake. Less sugar...less carbs...more protein. The most important thing is to stay away from the processed foods. It's sooooo bad for me...and I don't want it in my body!!!
I will post a weekly update and keep up with my progress.
This is where I am starting. I really hope to have an awesome before and after picture soon!!! I have my before....but won't show it until I have completed the first 90 days....which will be June 5th!
I CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Starting Measurements:

Weight: 173
Hips: 42
Waist: 32
Chest: 39 (dang....lol)

I have no idea what my measurements will be at this weight. I plan to gain muscle too....so my measurements won't change that much....I don't think....WE SHALL SEE!!!!

These are some of my inspirational photos that I look at DAILY!!!! I can have that if I want it bad enough:-)

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Foil bowl

No....for all you pot heads....that's NOT what I mean by foil bowl! lol. I found this idea on pinterest and I just had to share! Maybe all of you already do this...but I had not heard of it.

Put some foil in a bowl...poor your bacon grease...or other grease in it after cooking. Once it hardens...ball it up and throw it away!! LOVE THIS!!!