Sunday, January 30, 2011

Weekly Goals 1-31-11

It's been a great year so far! I am still struggling with a few areas in life...but don't we all?? Yoga is finally starting to fit in my schedule more then it did before. I am really excited about how much my life and body will change from Yoga! I would do the whole before and after picture thing...but not sure about it yet:-) This week I am focusing on mostly the same things. I will not give up on where I want to be....even if it takes me my whole life to get there!

1. Yoga/Walking 3 times a week at least!

2. Lots of water

3. Lots of reading

4. Get up earlier during the week

5. Keep pushing Thomas in the right direction:-)

6. Try to do something for

7. Vitamins

8. Lots of sleep

9. Eat healthy and watch your portions

10. Finish the kids playroom!

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