Friday, July 31, 2009

The Monster

So I posted a blog a while back about my addictions and things that I want to change in my life. I talked about a book I was reading which talked about a girl with a drug addiction and she called her addiction "The Monster". She couldn't get rid of it...well I haven't read the 3rd book yet...but as of the end of the second book...the monster still haunts her.

My monster still haunts me. I still want to quit smoking as badly as I did a year ago. I promised my Mom I would quit smoking before I was 30. I told her this when I was probably 21 or so and 30 seemed so far away. Well....I will be 30 Aug 26th......that's NOT far away!!!! I HAVE to do this...I CAN do this!!!!!!!!!!

This might not be the last blog I write about trying to quit smoking...who knows:-) But I am not going to stop writing them until I quit! The day will come...I know it will:-)

I really want to get into Yoga. I can't afford it though....UNLESS I quit smoking. plan is still to quit and start taking better care of my body.

My back hasn't healed yet...but I called my doctor and told him I was going CRAZY not being able to work out at all! I have an appointment on my b-day to see if I can get cleared at least for Yoga. Keep your fingers crossed!

Maybe everything will all fall into place on my b-day! What a great gift for myself:-) Quit smoking and get back into shape!

I will write a blog on my B-Day to start keeping track of my progress. I know it's not easy to quit and make changes in your life....but I know I can do this. I want it so badly!! and will be soooo happy with the results if I would just follow through with it! I have overcome many obstacles in my life...this is just another bump in the road.

I also talked about becoming a vegetarian. I figured out what I was going for and it wasn't a vegetarian. I don't want to quit eating meat all together....I just don't care for most meats. I didn't realize this until I tried to quit eating all meat...screw that!! That was just crazy thinking....but I can say that I don't eat much meat...I would rather have veggies, fruits, etc...over meat. But there are some things that I just can't pass up....


Kandice said...

(yeah! I am finally able to post on your blog).

I am so proud of you. The biggest step is WANTING to quit. Praying for strength for you.

Also, as far as the meatless meals...I feel the same way you do. I get in moods for meat, but I can do fine without half the week. When I meal plan I just pick out 2-3 meatless meals and I save money AND get a break from meat. Ha!

Kenzey said...

Thanks Kandice!!!!