Friday, February 26, 2010

March Spending and April Savings.....

Soooo...I have decided that if Joel and I are going to be buying a house soon...I need to make sure that we are on a comfortable budget that will work well with out new payment(ugh...that's sounds scary!) I know that we can afford to buy a house...that's not the problem...the problem is we haven't really had to keep ourselves on a budget. Well, if we plan to buy a new house...guess we come! I am going to track EVERY penny that we spend in March. I am not going to do anything different then we usually do...just go about as normal. Then...I will be able to go over our spending and see where we could easily save money. When you don't have to stick to a budget it's hard to realize where all of your extra money is know?? April spreadsheet will be to keep up with all of our spending on a budget...then I will be able to see what we need to do to live comfortable in our new home.'s better to try and figure it out now...rather than wait until we are in the house...and struggle for a while right?? I am looking forward to this. I think Joel and I will learn a lot from keeping track of all of the money we spend...or should I say blow...! We might think twice about all of the extra spending we do once we see how much we could be saving :-)

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